Title: Slow Regard of Silent Things
Author: Patrick Rothfuss
Date of Publication: 2014
Genre: Fantasia
Nº of Pages: 176
"The University, a renowned bastion of knowledge, attracts the brightest minds to unravel the mysteries of enlightened sciences like artificing and alchemy. Yet deep below its bustling halls lies a complex and cavernous maze of abandoned rooms and ancient passageways - and in the heart of it all lives Auri.
Formerly a student at the University, now Auri spends her days tending the world around her. She has learned that some mysteries are best left settled and safe. No longer fooled by the sharp rationality so treasured by the University, Auri sees beyond the surface of things, into subtle dangers and hidden names.
At once joyous and haunting, THE SLOW REGARD OF SILENT THINGS is a rich, atmospheric and lyrical tale, featuring one of the most beloved characters from Rothfuss' acclaimed fantasy series."
Patrick Rothfuss is the author of the Kingkiller Chronicles. A great writer who has a great beard. I'll talk about the Kingkiller Chronicles other day, in this post I will focus in this short novel that narrates seven days in the life of a character named Auri, whom those who have read his other novels will recognize.
In this novel we see what Auri does while awaiting the arrival of Kvothe. It is interesting not only for getting to know more about a very mysterious and strange character, but also because of the way it is written, something like an espectacular long monologue.
The first thing that comes to mind when remembering the novel is the personification that Auri makes with everything around her. This is narrated by Rothfuss masterfully and in a very natural way making what is a rare book, and for some maybe a little boring (cof cof soap cof cof ), catch us.
The descriptions of this place called The Underthing are very good, Rothfuss does not give too much details but neither gives too few.
Throughout the novel, at least in my case, I was feeling more and more into the way of thinking of Auri, coming to see things a bit like her after finish reading it.
The truth is that I do not know what I should further say, this is a very special book, possibly the strangest story I've read, but I still recommend it a lot.
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